Upcoming Events

Outreach Calendar

This page includes all upcoming and past opportunities for the public to get involved in Boonville’s NY Forward program.

Following each public event and Local Planning Committee (LPC) meeting, meeting summaries, presentations, and agendas will be prepared and made available on this page as they are completed.


LPC Meeting #4

All LPC meetings are open to the public, however the extent of public participation is largely dependent on the purpose and structure of each individual LPC meeting. Every meeting will allow time for public comment.

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Public Workshop #2

All are welcome! Join us to learn about the proposed projects being considered for NY Forward funding and provide your feedback. This workshop will be structured as an open house; you’re welcome to come anytime between 4:00 and 8:00PM and stay for as little or as long as you like.


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LPC Meeting #5

All LPC meetings are open to the public, however the extent of public participation is largely dependent on the purpose and structure of each individual LPC meeting. Every meeting will allow time for public comment.

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LPC Meeting #6

All LPC meetings are open to the public, however the extent of public participation is largely dependent on the purpose and structure of each individual LPC meeting. Every meeting will allow time for public comment.

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LPC Meeting #3

All LPC meetings are open to the public, however the extent of public participation is largely dependent on the purpose and structure of each individual LPC meeting. Every meeting will allow time for public comment.

Meeting Presentation

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Public Workshop #1

This public workshop will be an open house format, in which boards will be displayed as conversation starters for members of the consultant team and the public. Consultant team members will be available at each board station to engage members of the public in discussing the contents of the board and the community member’s insights and needs related to Boonville.

Click here to view the flyer

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LPC Meeting #2

All LPC meetings are open to the public, however the extent of public participation is largely dependent on the purpose and structure of each individual LPC meeting. Every meeting will allow time for public comment.

Meeting Summary

Meeting Presentation

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LPC Meeting #1

All LPC meetings are open to the public, however the extent of public participation is largely dependent on the purpose and structure of each individual LPC meeting. Every meeting will allow time for public comment.

Meeting Presentation (coming soon!)

Meeting Summary

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